In this turn, we see Littlefoot realising that he may be even more screwed than he already is and, of course, more diplomacy! The animals should also start to become a real annoyance by now. Due to the small distances between the players, the human barbarians won't be as dangerous as on larger maps but they'll be an even bigger hindrance to our favourite dinosaurs eventually (though I think they won't appear before turn 30 or so...)
Anyway, for this turn, I've prepared something as well. The turn after the talk will always be the one I'll show some statistics. Since there's not much to compare yet, it'll be short for the time being but that'll change... eventually :P
So, here you go (I'll show the demographics of every player, forgot to capture it several times while playing xD Later on, I'll also make a graph out of these... )
GNP = The amount of Money, Science, Culture and Espionage a player makes per turn
Mfg. Goods {Prod.} = The amount of all production in a player's cities.
Crop Yield {Food} = The amount of food a players has in all cities.
Soldiers = Military strength (some buildings and technologies also add to that)
Land area = The amount of territory a players holds right now (1 tile = 1000)
Population = Population :P Each pop level counts differently into this but, generally speaking, bigger levels give more population exponentially
Approval Rate (not very important) = Compares the ratio of happy and unhappy citizens (unhappyness in a city if the latter number is higher, so below 50%]
Life Expectancy = same as above, just with health (also not very important)
Exports/Imports = states whether a player is importing or exporting via trade and how much (rather irrelevant to know)
You can make comparisons if you like, I won't do it just now because you really can't read much out of them just yet. As soon as I have 3 or 4 of these, it'll be worth creating graphs to make these visually appealing :)
Now, another thing I'd like to show you, is the graph of the scores.
I'm noting the score of all dinosaurs each turn (before doing anything with Littlefoot)
Graph of this.And a different graph. I kinda wish I could fill in the spaces with colour. Loved that feature back in Age of Empires where there was a graph like this of the world population :P
As for how the score in the game is determined (in case you don't know), there are 4 different areas that a player can earn score in.
1. Population: the exact points per population level is different for every map, depending on the potential capacity of the map to produce food (ehh, you don't need to remember that :P) I've already figured out its 2 points per population here though there may be times where it reaches 1 or 3 due to rounding. (You can see this very well in the graph. Ruby started on a higher pop level than the others so she got 2 additional points :) )
2. Technology: Each technology that is researched gives a set amount of score which depends on the era it is attributed to (4 points for ancient era technologies, 8 for classic era and I think +4 for every era that follows...). You can see this very well when you look at Petrie, who started with an additional technology, so he started with 4 additional points.
3. Area within culture: Every tile you hold for 20 consecutive turns gives 1 point (I think). It doesn't appear in here yet because we haven't reached turn 20 yet :P
4. Wonders: Wonders give a certain number of points as a reward for constructing them. Everybody has some wonder points already because the palace that's automatically constructed in the first city (making it the capital) counts as such :)
Well, that's it for now ^^
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