Littlefoot: So... it's been 10 turns now. Without big spoilers, how are you guys doing?
Cera: I won't tell! Humpff!
Littlefoot: That probably means your start is as shitty as mine? :P
Cera: Oh, yours is terrible? That's great!
Littlefoot: Friendly as always, Cera :D
Chomper: No offense, Littlefoot, but I agree with Cera, haha.
Cera: Ha! Finally a conspiration against Longnecks!
Ali: *clears throat*
Littlefoot: Hey Ali, how's your civilization doing? ;)
Chomper: He just ignored us, I think I'll eat him just a little bit.
Cera: Let's destroy his civilization once and for all!
Petrie: hahahahahahaa xD
Ducky: Uhh guys? Do not be mean, no no no!
Ali: Hey Littlefoot, I'm doing okay, I think. See, I can't quite tell yet but I do like my starting area...
Littlefoot: Mine is terrible! Well, I guess that means you're not anywhere near me, sharptooth dung!
Ali: Oh, I'm sure you'll find me eventually :)
Littlefoot: I hope so!
Chomper: Do I see butterflies in Littlefoot's tummy?
Spike: You're just hungry, Chomper ^^
Chomper: Maybe... Well, I got food where I live so I think I'm good.
Spike: I also got plenty ^^
Petrie: Me have best land ever! You got no chance against Petrie!
Ruby: I won't believe it until I see it ;)
Cera: Petrie always thinks he's good at games. He always loses anyway xD
Littlefoot: What about your land, Ruby?
Ruby: My land is very good, very good it is.
Ducky: By the way, is it okay to ask if you start near the water or not, huh?
Ruby: Actually, I do wonder about that myself... the map is somewhat water-heavy as Mr Thicknose indicated.
Littlefoot: So you start at the water, Ruby? Also, Ducky, since you mentioned the water I guess you got water too?
Ducky: Yep, yep, yep!
Ruby: Yes, it kind of looks like an island over here, like an island it looks but I can't tell yet.
Spike: I got water too ^^
Cera: Yeah... a little water.
Petrie: me too!
Ali: So do I :)
Chomper: Yeah, looks like we all start somewhere at the coast. I guess that's only fair?
Littlefoot: I suppose so... though most of us didn't start with fishing I think... which is annoying to say the least...
Cera: Oh stop crying!
Spike: I think we all got a pretty decent start since the map is rather full of resources as it is.
Ali: True, but Mr. Thicknose mentioned that, didn't he?
Littlefoot: Yes, he did. I think this game will be interesting :P
Cera: Oh, y'all know who's gonna be the winner at the end of the day!
Ruby: Don't count your hatchlings before they hatch, Cera ;)
Petrie: hahahahah xD
Ducky: Do not underestimate us, Cera. Just because some of us were pretty weak in the last game, does not mean that we will be just as weak in this game, no no no...
Spike: Yeah, we're learning from the mistakes we made. You're not perfect either, Littlefoot gave you hell and you almost lost at first.
Ruby: While I stayed out of trouble, out of trouble I stayed.
Littlefoot: Hey, the most important thing is to have fun and a good and fair competition, don't you think?
Ducky: Yep, yep, yep! :)
Ali: I agree :)
Ruby: Only a fair game is a good game ;)
Spike: *nods*
Ducky: Spiky, old habits die hard huh? Thanks to these rainbowfaces, we can have a chat on these weird devices now and play fun games together, yes we can!
Littlefoot: And we can finally talk to you for real, Spike :D
Spike: ^^
Cera: Well, I liked him better when he was still silent!
Ducky: You did not even want him to join us back then!
Petrie: That right!
Littlefoot: :P
Cera: Oh, I changed my mind, okay?! Anyway, shouldn't we get back to the bloody game soon?!
Chomper: Yeah, I have unfinished business to take care of...
Littlefoot: Yeah, we should, Cera. Just one thing I wanted to mention earlier: Since we're playing with many more AI's than in the first game we had, we'll be more busy with them than with each other. I hope we'll all make it to the Middle Ages this time and have a good fight at the end of the game.
Cera: Humpff! You'll long be gone by that time if I find you!
Ali: Uhm, guys? I have one question?
Littlefoot: Yes, Ali? :)
Ali: Well, there is the option to change names of units and cities, isn't there?
Littlefoot: Yes... I wouldn't mind custom city names but naming units would go too far I think. Cera's army would consist of "flathead slayers" or the like...
Cera: You bet, flathead!
Littlefoot: Alright, unless there are any objections, you may name your cities now.
Ducky: That will be fun, oh yes yes yes!
Spike: I'll name my cities after my favourite food ^^
Ali: Should be fun :)
[Guys, would you mind sending me screenshots of the demographics every 10 turns or so for comparison? I'm sure the readers would like that :)]
Cera: Who's that creepy guy?!
[In hindsight, should've tried to play Thicknose instead of being me ^^]
Littlefoot: He's like these Rainbowfaces, he's from the future.
Ducky: And he is very nice, yes he is :)
Littlefoot: Sure, we'll do that. We can compare each other to some extend in the game but none of us knows everything. But the readers would like to know more...
Cera: Hey! Why do you decide that alone!? I'd say...
Ruby: Let's make a poll then, a poll it is!
Littlefoot: Good idea, Ruby! :)
Cera: You know what happens in the Rock Circle when the grown-ups try to make decisions!
Petrie: She have point tho...
Littlefoot: Alright, guys. Yes or no? Let's vote!
Spike: Why not ^^
Ali: Yes :)
Cera: NO!!!
Petrie: Uhh, me don't care
Chomper: *shrug* I don't mind either
Ruby: I'm in favor of it in favor of it I am!
Ducky: Yep, yep, yep!
Littlefoot: Okay, "yes" from me too so that's the majority. It's decided then!
Cera: I'll beat you anyway...
Littlefoot: Well, anything else? No? Then let's continue playing, shall we?
Chomper: Yup
Ruby: Agreed
Ducky: Yep, yep, yep! :)
Ali: Oh yes :)
Spike: Time to rename my city ^^
Cera: YES!
Petrie: yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes xD
Cera: You little...
Littlefoot: Well, bye! :P
[Have fun guys and don't forget to take these screenshots for me :)]
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