First of all, I would like you to know that I really do not like what the game is about. I do not like fighting at all, oh no no no... but the game is fun anyway, hehehe. So, I am trying not to fight whenever I can do things more peaceful but there is one thing that I will never ever do... I will never agree to Cera's crazy demands again to prevent a war because she is going to attack me anyway... that was so mean in the last game, it was, it was...
Anyway, it is my turn now so let us take a look at our start. Hopefully, we have some water so my people can go for a swim, yep, yep, yep. *smiles*
Yay, wateeeeeeeeeeeer!
The land I have looks really good I think. It has water [yes, we know it by now, Ducky ;)], enough resources and a lot of trees, yes it does! Oh, and hills too. Hills are good to make a lot of things faster... like building some wonders, oh yes! Oh, and maybe we will find some shiny things in them? I looooooove shiny things, oh yes yes yes! [Ducky, focus on the game!]
Oh, right. I am very sorry, yes I am... My first city must be at the water but... where? I think it should be in the north where a lot of these hills are because cities on a hill are much easier to defend. Well, that is what our teacher Mr. Thicknose said anyway, it does not really help against an angry Threehorn though...
[Ducky... you are boring your readers. They wanna see your city!]
Oh, then I am just going to put it riiiiiiiiiiight...
...there *smiles*
Uhm, was that good?
[Hey Ducky, this is your game. I just help you to publish it.]
Yes, but I am not very good at it yet. I think on the day where Mr Thicknose explained how the game works, Spike made a lot of sleep rumbles [snoring ^^] so I was too sleepy to remember much, yes I was...
[So, you want me to help you a little, sweetie?]
Oh yes, please please please!
[Oh, alright, Ducky, but I will only help you a little, this is still your game and you make the decisions, okay?]
Thank you very very much!
[You're welcome, Ducky. Now, to answer your question, I would have probably used a different place but yours is still fairly good. I would have probably founded the city on the hill right below your culture border, next to the wheat. That city would have had more food.]
Well, I know having a lot of food is good but... you also need some production, do you not? My city has enough of it I think?
[Fair enough, now, maybe you should take a look at your city?]
Oh yes, I will. We have a crab on the water... bison, whatever that is, and spices - oh, that is a good tile, is it not?
[Yes, it is. 2 Food, 2 Hammers, better than anything else you can work on right now]
Okay, then I should use it until we have something better, yep yep yep! Uhm, why can't I use the water yet?
[Ducky, you've already played this once, didn't you? *sigh* You need to research Fishing for that, you didn't start with it as it seems...]
Oh... well, at least I do not need to think about my research anymore now, hehehe. Uhm, is there anything else?
[Why, take a look at who you're playing as. It's important to know. Only if you know your strengths and weaknesses, you can come up with a strategy, right?]
Yes, I think so...
(After some looking) Uhm, excuse me? Could you explain this a little more, please? Our readers would probably like to know too and I do not think they will understand, oh no no no...
[Sure, Ducky, just listen. (the civ-specific trait is partly hidden by that button -.-)
You're playing as Quetzalcoatl (Aztek leader, actually) of Babylonia. I'm sure you will like this, because this is a very interesting combination... First of all, I will tell you what benefits your leader gives you but you will have to come up with a strategy on your own, this is your game remember?]
[You're creative (only 4% odds for that trait). That gives you the following advantages:
- You might end up building special units (UU's) of other civilizations which means you may have some stronger unit(s) of each type (except for those you already have a UU for yourself)
- Wonders are cheaper. You like them, don't you? Your chances to get them are higher, thus.
- You also get a tenth of the production others have invested in World Wonders as well as the same amount of money. The production is stored in that button on the upper left (the weird one partly hiding the babylonian trait) until you activate it while working on a wonder yourself. In that case, it doubles your production speed for as long as there's enough stored.
I think so. That sounds pretty interesting, does it not?
[Oh yes, and I think you'll love the other trait. Suits your playstyle. You're protective (22% odds, her favourite trait) That means...
- You're immune to pillaging. The enemy can't destroy your land so the only way to weaken you is actually to take your cities. Which is a little harder since...
- Your units heal faster while they're in your land and...
- Your units get some extra 25% strength in your own land, it'll be very hard to defeat you because of that
- You also get some buildings a lot cheaper, all helping you to protect yourself... like walls and bunkers :P
Oh yes yes yes yes yes!!!
Cera will not throw me out of the game this time, oh no no no!
[Still, you better hope she's not your direct neighbor. You know how she is... Anyway, I still haven't explained your civilization trait...
...which is adding to your protectiveness just perfectly! Units lose part of their health if they attack your cities and survive the fight. That means they're less likely to be able to attack again in the next turn and it's easier for you to kill those who survived. Whoever tries to destroy you, Ducky, they'll have a very, very hard time...]
Well, that is very good, yes it is. Is it right that I also get some additional happiness for those buildings, is it?
[Indeed, so you might wanna build them early ;)]
Okay, is there anything left that we need to talk about?
[Yes, your special units and building. I'll just quickly tell you and the readers about them, alright? This is already quite a read...]
Okay, I am listening, yes I am. *giggles*
The Nas Namnari is a swordsman with a free promotion (bonus when attacking cities, might not be your main interest but who knows...)
The Bowman is an Archer with a higher strength (slightly more expensive though and smaller boni but still much stronger than normal Archers... Ducky, this is another thing that makes you harder to beat!) It can also bombard a city (cities have a defensive bonus which is dependent on how much culture a city has and whether there are defensive buildings. That bonus can be bombarded down to 0% (25% in capitals and Holy Citys...) by siege weapons like a catapult but this unique unit has this ability as well).
Well, this unit is a very late unit so you'll forget anything I say about it anyway...
The Garden provides 2 extra food, an early medieval building.
Well, that's about it, Ducky. Got any more questions?]
Oh yes, I do have one: What should I build in my city? I cannot build a work boat for the crabs yet, no no no...
[Well, I'd try to scout the area before the barbarians turn up. A scout?]
The barbarians only come a little later though, do they not?
[Yes, you don't need to protect your city yet]
Okay, then I will build some scouts. Maybe they will find my brother Spike, we could work together, yes we could.
[That'd be allowed if it comes to that, I certainly hope you find some peaceful neighbors. Anyway, I think we should end this here, shouldn't we?]
Oh yes, we should, we should. Thank you very much for helping me, you are very kind, yes you are.
[Aww, I'm blushing, Ducky... *blushes*]
*chuckles* Well, see you next time, everyone. I really hope you liked this so far. Have fun!
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